Memorial Day Weekend Fishing

I can’t remember the last time we had nice weather on Memorial Day……..this year was no exception, snow and rain.  I should have known better than to try planting my containers before now….I had been lulled into a false sense of security with the nice weather we have had, with the exception of a few close to freezing nights ( which cost me 3 tomato plants and 2 geraniums) ; everything I  had planted had to live in the barn or the house over the weekend !   Despite the ugly weather we had a jam packed weekend with Corey’s mom having a surprise 70th birthday party and Lane’s High School graduation.   We crossed our fingers the weather would clear on Sunday after Lane’s graduation for what we wanted, which was a nice outdoor barbecue………..the weatherman said the winter storm warning was only thru noon on Sunday ……….headed into the graduation we saw small patches of blue sky so there was hope.  Coming out of graduation we were meet with a black wall headed our way again, so the barbecue moved inside……….except for a few brave souls who donned their rain gear and huddled around the fire pit……….I’m pretty sure a healthy does of gasoline was required to keep the fire burning.


Monday afternoon the weather  finally looked reasonable and Corey, Lane, and I headed out to the river for a final float with Lane since he’s leaving the end of the week for the summer.  We will miss him tons.




I have no idea why Corey was skipping down the boat ramp…………probably because it wasn’t pouring rain.

On second thought I should have said something more manly about whatever he was doing………….hhhm, no he was skipping  🙂  One of the many reasons I love him.

Headed out down the river.


Fish on…………

Nice Rainbow for me…………Happy.

Decisions, decisions…………..

Sorry to say Lane got skunked and didn’t catch any, but did a great job rowing.  We will miss you Lane, but hope you have a great summer !


  1. mtcutbow

    Great pictures, love these breaks from trading to look at fish pictures 😉  Makes me miss Montana though…  Be back in a few months to do some floating on the Yellowstone.  Thanks for posting, good luck trading.  John K. Northey aka -mtcutbow-

    • Michele

      Hi John,

      Let us know when you are back in the country…….we spend a fair amount of time fishing the Yellowstone……love the hopper season :)……I don’t know if you have your own boat or have someone to fish with, but if we have an empty spot on ours we’d love to have you along.

      Cheers and Good Trading.


  2. offshorehunter

    Hi John,
    Let us know when you are back in the country…….we spend a fair amount of time fishing the Yellowstone……love the hopper season :)……I don’t know if you have your own boat or have someone to fish with, but if we have an empty spot on ours we’d love to have you along.
    Cheers and Good Trading.


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