It has been ages since I have done a Gone Fishin post…….so today the dogs and I took a walk around the pasture in
the fresh snow, 3 degrees, and the camera. Nothing fancy, but they always make me smile………..I hope
they make you smile too.
It started with lots of running and barking……..Bella is sure that blondes do have more fun.
Cowboy often has his own agenda…………..mostly searching for mice.
But the three girls didn’t mind.
More running…..such an athlete……great form…….ha ha.
Bella’s goal is to always be in front.
But the running was interrupted with thoughts of digging up mice.
Bella was sure she had one under the log…….the look is “WHAT” why do you keep bothering me……..Oh
you want ANOTHER picture of me.
Bella and Cowboy often team up on the mousing duties.
Back to random wanderings.
Wait……..another possible mouse detour……
Yep……he’s in there.
Lily never gets enough camera time…….so she got an action series…….
Yep, back to more cute pictures of Bella……
She may have a part-time gig this winter plowing snow.
Yep Corgis do like to stick together…….however , notice Abby ,in the middle is looking
back at me……her mob name would be Abby “The Shadow”……..since she’s my shadow and getting
pictures of her is hard because normally she’s right at my feet.
And they would not be happy unless there was some amount of snarkiness between them at some point.
The rare Abby photo.
And there was some grass eating….
and the occasional…….well you know……….
But wait……Cowboy is often on full alert for any possible intruder, of any size, and lets
us all know with his woofing…..errr I mean his high security alert.
And acting tough……….after all the girls are around.
I think Bella’s impressed.
And Cowboy wanted a picture of his cat, Stella, who recently came into our lives and who ,Cowboy,
spends as much time as Stella will let him, obsessing about her.
Fantastic photos, thank you for the puppy update. It looks like a great day was had by all. You have made me excited for our first snow. Hope you had as much fun as the pups. Cowboy sure looks like he takes his job as “the guy” seriously LOL
Hi Sue……….you are welcome!! It was a nice romp thru the pasture……I never get tired of taking pictures of them and they …mostly , happily oblige 🙂 Hope your weekend was good, see you in chat tomorrow.
great photos. cute puppies. thanks for sharing