Wondering what TradeontheFly has been up to recently?
The response since the January launch has been great……everyday I am hearing from traders who have never traded with a “plan” ….I continue to hear over and over that the light bulbs are going off for many, they are understanding why they are entering the trades, they have a risk mgmt. plan in place, they know how they are going to manage their trades….many are dipping their toes into charting for the first time and are finding it to be a tremendous help to their trading.
The chart setups off the scans and from the private twitter feed continue to do well.
Some nice recent wins for members including JUNO played twice, once for 10% and the other for 8%, WWE for 17%, SSNI for 12%, EPRS for 29% .
A few of the very nice trades currently open include JDST from $10.20 (currently $14.46) , DUST from
$15.75 (currently $21.04), VSLR from $10 ( currently $11.52), and ZAYO short from $27.50 ( currently $26.29).
The swing chat room currently has 170-180 members logged on everyday and has been on fire……..we have beginning traders to some very seasoned traders with many nice setups both swing and intra-day ideas.
Tim aka @autumnalcity has just started doing webinars for TOF 2x/ month , both of his webinars from February were very well received …….Jesse aka @PsychoOnWallSt has stepped up to help moderate the swing chat room and has had some amazing calls……..
What are you waiting for??? www.tradeonthefly.com