New Year Play List
This year I have two sections of 2021 Plays...the first group is beaten up dumpster dive plays....the second group is stocks that have made nice moves, but are setting up for continuation higher. DUMPSTER DIVE PLAYS Continuation Plays
MACD: 3 ways to use it and how I incorporate in my trading.
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Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
Large success comes from many small successes. When I think of the Mississippi River I do not think of this...... But this small creek coming out of Lake Itasca in northern Minnesota is where it would take 10 minutes for one semi-trailer of water...
Trading is a Business
A Goal without a Plan is just a Wish. -Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Let’s say you want to open a Bakery have saved some money to get it started, but will need to get a loan from your local bank for equipment and working capital. It’s not likely that you...
Fear the FOMO
Meet FOMO........a traders nasty little secret. Hindsight always makes trading seem so clear and easy, the reality is trading real time is far from easy. Everyday there are setups we miss, momentum stocks making crazy 50-100%+ moves...while we are sitting there...